Taking a break ...

A short note detailing a major change with the podcast with our creator stepping down as producer and host after episode 312 and where we will go from here.
Analyse Asia podcast has been an important side project for me. While there are different motivations in starting the podcast ranging from providing a voice on the business, technology and media community in an Asian perspective to learning to listen to others and capturing information better personally, I often wonder where it will be leading.
I thank the audience who have supported the show. I am often humbled by some of the fans of the show who are respectable business leaders in the region and globally. There are many out there who have reached out to help me with guests out there. There are many out there who have met me in real life and introduce themselves as fans. The next group of people I thank, are the guests on the show and I appreciate for them to share their time with me. They have taught me many things and helped me to understand Asia as a region better.
Since I have started a new job, there are new personal circumstances that require me to put my attention back to my elderly parents and family while juggling a heavy work load in a new fast paced and high growth environment. I am blessed with the arrival of our third child, Estella and not to forget those two young ones, Evan and Eleanor who are growing up and often wonder about the purpose of the microphone on my work desk at home. Oftentimes, I have been asked how I have managed my workload with the corporate day job as a senior executive, the family and the side project. Finally the work has taken a toil on me over the past three months. As a result, I am taking a long hiatus from Analyse Asia. It means that I have to step down both as a producer and host immediately.
Moving forward, I will be stepping down from my duties as the host and producer of the show. My last presence on the podcast is the recent published episode 312. I will appear one last time for the live show in Singapore on 5 Sep 2019 and it won’t be recorded. It will be a time where I can meet some of you out there. Moving forward, I have asked Carol to take over the podcast from me. The show will be hosted and produced by Carol Yin, who I have started work with early this year. She has been working behind the scenes to help me figure out the next steps to the future of this podcast. Moving from here, she will be driving the podcast as the host and the executive producer. In the transition, I will work with her to put a team around her so that it can move on without me. We will experiment and hopefully take the podcast where it should be.
All good things need not come to an end, but they have to move forward without me from here. I thank my family, friends and audience for the support on my side project over the years.
The best days of Analyse Asia podcast will be always be ahead of us.
yours sincerely,
Bernard Leong
Creator and former Host & Executive Producer of Analyse Asia